Sony Opens Up Brand-new PlayStation VR Bundle for Pre-Orders


PlayStation VR

One of the biggest details about the particular PlayStation VR price and release date statement as that the standard $399 bundle would not have a PlayStation Camera or maybe PlayStation Move magical wands. While those who by now own one or more of these things were satisfied at the idea of paying less money, there are some out there who found the $399 figure to become bit misleading (regardless of Sony showing people everything that will be in the box). Thanks to a whole new announcement today, these fears will be assuaged, since there is going to be a $499 Dsi VR bundle that includes this PlayStation Camera and two PlayStation Move wands.

Here is a breakdown of the 2 main types of PlayStation VR bundles, with the new $499 deal being available for pre-order currently:

  • PlayStation VR Launch Bundle ($499.99 MSRP) C pre-order with March 22 from 7:00 the.m. PT
  • PlayStation VR core ($399.99 MSRP) C pre-order in March 29 on 7:00 a new.m. PT

For more information on Nintendo wii VR and all things electronic reality, stay tuned for you to Hardcore Gamer.


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