Here’s the Create for the NA LCS Promotion Event



Unlike the EU LCS Promotion Tournament the NA LCS match is not taking place this weekend. These team get until April 6?to get things squared away strategically.

In this tournament you have Apex?along with Team Dragon Knights in combat coming out of the NA Challenger scene and Renegades, Staff Impulse, and Crew Dignitas falling out of the LCS. Most games will be a better of five and will commence with Team Dignitas taking on Team Dragon Knights. Champion of that series can take on Renegades and the loss will fall to be able to or continue to be within the Challenger series next split. The next day will probably feature two matchups in between Renegades and the winner in the previous day and Team Impulse versus Apex. Whoever wins in those series’ can automatically move on to this NA LCS Summer Split as well as the losers will ?have one more chance to ensure it is the next day in a remaining best of 5.

Matches are usually scheduled to start 04 6 at 5 p.m. PDT and you may watch every game in this article.


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