SimCity BuildIt Updates with Competition of Mayors


simcity buildit

SimCity BuildIt just received an upgrade called Contest involving Mayors and it’s full of brand-new ways to grow your city. In addition to new structures, players can now get involved in competitive challenges to rate up on a tiered-leaderboard technique that rewards along with unlocks and bragging rights.

In SimCity BuildIt you’re the Gran and you must develop a thriving city that pulls new citizens to move in. With Competition of Mayors you now have a chance to see how your town compares to others all over the world. The update delivers a new challenge every week available for 5 days. Over these limited time events, Mayors must go head-to-head against their peers to stay powerful during natural disasters, finish deliveries and hobby specific products. By participating in the Contest associated with Mayors you’ll speed up further advancement and unlock fresh Parks.

There’s also new content being included with the update that could be enjoyed anytime. Under you’ll find some of the illustrates and the trailer.?Down load SimCity Build it for free around the App Store or Google Play.

  • 60 new and unique EPIC properties to unlock and also help shape along with personalize each city’s skyline
  • Two new Maxis Man Superhero-themed buildings that either safeguard citizens from fire, sickness and crime or boost human population growth ??
  • A limited-time only event celebrating the start of Planting season, featuring an exclusive Basket Bunny Park along with Spring Chick Park your car to help boost ?every single city’s population

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